Harlow 5 Aid on the Web with Celeb FC

Written by Rocoja

June 2, 2013

Well we are into June (only just) and I wanted to see how the word was spreading about @Harlow5Aid & what we are trying to achieve at the Celebrity Charity Football Family Fun Day event on July 28th at Barrows Farm Football ground – the home of Harlow Town FC.

Harlow5AidThe first thing is our Twitter account @Harlow5aid – its been a great success, with not only the lovely celebs who are playing on the day following us but over 200 other people / contributors / supporters also following us.

Twitter has sent out up-to-the-minute info on dance acts performing at the opening & closing ceremonies, along with names of celebrities as they come on board &  thank you’s to re-tweeters & sharers…

Facebook has the same up-to-date info, along with links to Radio interviews on Hawks Radio about the event, details of the main sponsor – The Water Gardens in Harlow & information about volunteers such as Terry Rackley, who is in charge of the match officials on the day.

A quick Google search reveals the Essex Police are proudly championing & promoting the event on their News & Features site.

Also Harlow Town FC themselves have a piece on their site, written by Ray Dyer promoting the event – Click here

We have also been picked up by LocalUKnews.co.uk & the charity event is listed on their site, as well as being listed as OffWhere.co.uk, which again is great news as the move places that know about us, the more chance of this being the biggest Charity Event Essex has ever seen…football

We have also had a number of mentions on the Harlow Town FC fans forum boards online – Its great to see the positive comments & to know that the fans are behind this event 100%.

Our blog is also being picked up by The Hollywood Vine, a Blog that follows Celebrities & the Charity events that they promote & are involved with.  Ours are here if you want to see them.

Also a great rolling news medium for Harlow is the Jon Clempner Daily & yes we are being featured on there also!

All the people involved, from the organisers & stewards to officials, players, celebrities, performers & supporters; the charities that will benefit from your help would dearly love to be able to thank each & every one of you personally, but of course we all know that isn’t possible, so please accept our thanks for your involvement through here….

All money raised  will go towards the charities below.

The Shakoor Memorial Fund for Abbotsweld School supports a group of people who dedicate their spare time to building a memorial garden and play area at Abbotsweld School in memory of the Dr Sabah Usmani and her five children who died in a house fire in Barn Mead on October 15, 2012.

No Child Without works towards to support young people in Harlow who are in need of financial help, clothing and school equipment .

Harlow Foodbank provides emergency food for people in crisis in Harlow and the surrounding area and works in partnership with front-line care professionals, churches, schools, supermarkets, businesses and individuals. It is a community project where people donate non perishable food and it is distributed to local people in need, through a structured referral process.

The Cardiomyopathy Association Mitchell Cole Trust is the chosen charity of the celebrity team. It is being supported in memory of Mitchell Cole, a professional footballer and supporter of previous charity football matches in Harlow who died from a heart condition. The charity supports families affected by cardiomyopathy, a disease of muscles in the heart.

The Variety Club of Great Britain aims to improve the lives of children and young people throughout the UK who are sick, disabled and disadvantaged.

The charities are all extremely deserving & touch everyone in some way.

We have just exactly 8 weeks to go & so now is the time to get everyone talking about this great event…..

So its over to you dear reader….

Please be the 5 Aid friend on Facebook

Please follow 5 Aid on Twitter

Please share out the blog & generate interest.

But also, if there are any blog topics you would like to put forward, please do…

If there are any celebs you would particularly like to see play in the Celebrity team…….please let us know & we will do our best…..

If you want any more info, please just ask…..

This is a massive team effort & YOU dear reader are a much-needed & valued part of the team 🙂

See you on Sunday 29th July at Harlow Town FC for Harlow 5 Aid.

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