Recently – Celeb FC Founder Karin, a sufferer of Fibromyalgia & a number of other invisible illnesses which on many days have her completely house bound; had the good fortune to meet a lady called Lisa who is a practitioner of Mindfulness Based Hypnotherapy (MBH).
This lovely lady met Karin through a Charity (Sutton Night Watch) that Celeb FC are supporting in 2019 & offered to give Karin a “session” to see if she could help with her pain management.
Anyone with Fibro will tell you, pain, fatigue & just an all round feeling of being “useless” & “weak” is very very common & something Paracetamol, Tramadol, Naproxen, Amitriptyline & other meds just do not shift! So any offer of help is always gratefully received.
So on Tuesday 26th Feb, Off Karin went for an hour of MBH.
Mindfulness based hypnotherapy (MBH) integrates the principles and practices of mindfulness with Cognitive Hypnotherapy creating a therapeutic approach with the ability to create changes on a conscious logical level and at the unconscious level. Mindfulness based hypnotherapy is very similar to traditional hypnotherapy, however the mindfulness techniques of grounding and focusing of awareness are utilised in Mindfulness based hypnotherapy throughout the session and as part of the process of inducing hypnosis.
Like our founders experience with Fibromyalgia, many sufferers commonly report depression, anxiety, insomnia along with the pain associated most commonly with Fibro.
People with Fibromyalgia are also more likely than others to be overweight. This is something which has really affected Karin in the 4 years she has been battling this illness. The weight gain happens as the reduced mobility due to chronic pain tends to encourage less movement – that coupled with side effects of opiods (weight-gain) is a potentially lethal combination & very often fibromyalgia sufferers change from happy & outgoing to sad & home-bound not only due to the physical pain & fatigue of the illness, but because the change in body type & energy levels create a low sense of self-worth….
Upon arrival Lisa explained that hypnotherapy & its relaxing properties are ideally suited to helping people combat health, stress & personal issues. They then went through to a beautiful calm space, specifically for her clients, with lovely soft music in the background & beautiful scents in the air.
Prior to the relaxation technique – Lisa also read some Tarot cards for Karin, which was unexpected & very very interesting.
Tarot card’s can give insight into relationships, careers and finances while giving the recipient peace of mind and confidence in their decisions.
Then came the relaxing hypnotherapy, at which point the Celeb FC Founder made Lisa promise NOT to make her eat an onion, which was met with roars of laughter & a very swift promise that “this is not that sort of thing”…
Lisa explained that hypnotic relaxation can give the patient significantly more control over their pain when the patient takes the suggestions on board. Helping people simply slow down, relax & be calm is in itself healing.
The session lasted just under 2 hours in total & it was amazing. So great that Karin has booked to re-visit in a weeks time. As someone who very very rarely gives in & relaxes (as it feels like when you have fibro, every movement & every effort is a battle you don’t want to “lose”), relaxing without feeling like its been forced on you by a worn out body was amazing.
For anyone interested in the Surrey are – Karin recommends you get in touch with
WishingUWellTherapy – Based in Morden, Surrey.
Or if you are in a different area, maybe have a look around for some alternative therapies to help you as you battle against Fibro…
You are NOT alone.
Or as Celeb FC founder Karin says – “Sending Gentle Hugs to my Spoonie Sisters & Brothers”
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