It's been a very hard few days, where I have been speaking to the wonderful humans who run, staff, operate non-profits / charities, who are now struggling, as fundraising has dried up, events are having to be cancelled & they are being more & more relied upon...
The Love Ball 2019
Celeb FC were set up in 2013 as Celebrity Fundraising Football Team, who with the help of some extremely philanthropic & generous with their time celebrities, wanted to support a few small charities each year with their fundraising efforts. That dream has...
Care Campaign for the Vulnerable Meeting – With MP Dominic Grieve
Celeb FC Founder Karin will be attending this update meeting as part of her commitment to support Care Campaign into 2019.
Phoenix FM with DJ Tracey T & Jayne Connery
On Monday 6th of November - Karin the Celeb FC Founder & Jayne Connery (who you may remember from Big Brother 2016) were guests on DJ Tracey T's "Mixed Up Mondays" show on Phoenix FM. Jayne is the Founder of CCTV Care Campaign for the Vulnerable & more...
Gaga & Fibromyalgia
This is a personal blog from Celeb FC Founder - Karin - after reading article after article on Lady Gaga & her recent revelation of suffering from Fibromyalgia and the upcoming video documentary "Five Foot Two". eg:...
A personal Post from Teammum
My hidden life as a Spoonie The problem is with Fibromyalgia is it looks & feels like so many other things, its symptoms are the same as so many other conditions. Doctors don’t know what to do with it (& by default you) – Consultants range from “Crikey you are...