Dedicated Carers, Families and Inspirational Individuals were celebrated at a Prestigious Awards Ceremony on May 17th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Gerrard’s Cross. The awards were created to not only celebrate all that is positive and good in the caring industry, but...
Celeb FC at Millwall FC – Charity Football for Save The Children UK
This Sunday, 26th May, celebrities, ex-sports people, musicians & reality TV personalities gather together to take part in the Kirton FC v Celeb FC Charity Football match, raising funds for Save The Children UK Celebs appearing on the day include Actor (Football...
Crowne Plaza Gerrards Cross – Re CCTV Awards
The Care Campaign For The Vulnerable Awards 2019
Celeb FC at the January Care Campaign for The Vulnerable meeting with MP Dominic Grieve
Care Campaign for the Vulnerable was founded over five years ago by former Marketing /Promotions executive Jayne Connery from Gerrard’s Cross; The group is leading the way in championing safety monitoring to be made mandatory in communal areas in ALL dementia care...
Care Campaign for the Vulnerable Meeting – With MP Dominic Grieve
Celeb FC Founder Karin will be attending this update meeting as part of her commitment to support Care Campaign into 2019.
CCTV in Care Home Parliamentary Debate Sept 5th 2019
Today sees a question raised in Parliament regarding the proposal of placing CCTV in communal areas of UK care homes. Raised by MP Dominic Grieve, championed by Jayne Connery of Care Campaign For The Vulnerable, completely supported by Celeb FC . (Click here for...
Care Campaign for The Vulnerable
Celeb FC Founder Karin & our Events Partner - Taylored Events were at a very important meeting on Monday 26th of March. The meeting was hosted by Jayne Connery, Founder of Care Campaign for the Vulnerable, which was created following her mother’s experiences in...
Phoenix FM with DJ Tracey T & Jayne Connery
On Monday 6th of November - Karin the Celeb FC Founder & Jayne Connery (who you may remember from Big Brother 2016) were guests on DJ Tracey T's "Mixed Up Mondays" show on Phoenix FM. Jayne is the Founder of CCTV Care Campaign for the Vulnerable & more...
CCTV in Care Homes Campaign UNSPOKEN video Launch
A personal post from Celeb FC Founder Karin My mum has vascular dementia, from years of smoking, (that's not just my opinion, that's what the specialist at London's biggest hospital told us quite matter of factly). Vascular dementia is the second most common cause...