Myself, my daughter Jade & my friend Chloe, left South London at 7,30am to get to Harlow5aid in plenty of time. It’s so nice travelling to Harlow, as over the course of the last few months, I have found out that Harlow is a lovely part of Essex, where the people really know how to come together for causes close to their hearts.
We arrived at 9.15am & were greeted by a myriad of smiling faces – Police, teachers, children, volunteers – all with one thing on their mind – making @Harlow5Aid a hugely successful day.
The entertainment was provided by dancers, singers & even a Jazzercise class on the pitch and throughout the morning, we had numerous celebrities arrive to play in the celebrity Team, mingling with the crowds & having photo’s taken.
Just before the matches kicked off, we held a minutes ovation for Mitchell Cole in whose name we are supporting the Cardiomyopathy Association. This was led by the legendary Glenn Hoddle.
The football between the schools, teachers & police was amazing, with everyone giving 100%. However the matches that were between the celebs & other sides were fun-filled but also very seriously contested.
The celebs first game against Harlow Police was amazing, with everything going just right to allow a hugely comfortable victory for the celebrity team – manager Chloe Everton confidently tweeted afterwards @chloeeverton: One game down @Harlow5Aid Celebs eased to a victory over Police. Ready to show the Teachers XI how it’s done next! Which was a little premature as the police team really gave the celebs a run for their money, winning the match fairly easily…
On a side note – special Shout out to @MickyDumoulin who attended A&E for an injury… So @RobLamarr took over as Goalie for the rest of the match and Leo Rojet who played on with an ankle injury.
Overall a hugely successful day – Well done to everyone behind the scenes (Special mention to Gill Dumoulin & Stuart Burt).
Lovely celebs who attended were:
Jeff Brazier Glenn Hoddle Johny Pach Simon Cummins Victor Ebuwa Dean Bradshaw Leo Rojet Micky Dumoulin Leo the Lion Terry Coldwell Danny Osborne Rob Lamarr MC Charmer Lewis Clay MC Kie MC Sparks DJ Talent Gordon Boateng Chloe Everton Mr Rootsy Maxi Priest Mick Dumoulin
(Special thanks to the lovely PCSO’S who looked after their security (I think one name was Elizabeth, please let me know the others).
Here are some photos from the day.
[huge_it_slider id=”3″] – Proudly supporting @Harlow5Aid
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