Swimming and Fibromyalgia

Written by Rocoja

March 7, 2019

As many now know, Celeb FC Founder Karin was diagnosed with the debilitating illness Fibromyalgia a few years ago.

Since that point, despite looking relatively “normal”; life has become a round of hospital & doctors visits, medications & operations & desperate searches for anything that can alleviate the chronic pain & fatigue that comes with this very misunderstood illness.

Recently during a fairly good period – Karin decided to look into swimming as a way of supporting & alleviating some pain, as it is widely believed this can really help with pain related illnesses.

In fact Brazilian researchers have determined that swimming is as effective as walking to relieve pain and improve quality of life for fibromyalgia sufferers. The study entitled “Swimming Improves Pain and Functional Capacity of Patients With Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” was published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

So with that in mind & luckily being able to get out & about at the beginning of Feb, she attended a couple of local health clubs to look into the feasibility of

  • cost implications
  • ability to use swimming pool only
  • flexibility of membership.

Sadly – all 4 health clubs / gyms offered no discounts to the standard costs (ranging from £35 per month to £80 per month) for someone who physically could not use any facility offered except the pool. There was also no flexibility in membership with all asking for a 12 month commitment.

So she chose the health club with the best introduction offer & proceeded with a ½ price for 3 months intro followed by £50 approx pcm for off peak only access.

This began on the first week of February 2019, however to date Karin hasn’t been well enough to attend. BUT it looked so great that she has referred a few friends to the health club in question, so maybe she will get some form of “thank you” at least.

As soon as she is well enough to go – she will post updates – as she knows many of our followers & friends have had contact with this awful illness & we are all looking for the help we just don’t seem to find by conventional methods.

Remember –

You are NOT alone.

Or as Celeb FC founder Karin says – “Sending Gentle Hugs to my Spoonie Sisters & Brothers”

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