Celeb FC Founder Karin & our Events Partner – Taylored Events were at a very important meeting on Monday 26th of March.
The meeting was hosted by Jayne Connery, Founder of Care Campaign for the Vulnerable, which was created following her mother’s experiences in the care sector. It now has tens of thousands of supporters on social media, and many many business & individuals offering practical support to the campaign, some after experiencing the care industry from the front end user or the back end supplier side….
- Terry, Jayne, Russell & Karin
- Jayne & Manj
- Jayne
- The Meeting
- Discussing the care sector
- After Terry’s very moving speech
- Discussing the care sector
- The Website
Karin was invited along to meet with Jayne & the other supporters of the campaign & predominantly to find out more about the newly appointed Ambassador Terry Eccott –Alzheimer’s Society Ambassador and Prolific Dementia Campaigner. Terry has expressed support for the very important work Jayne’s campaign is aiming to do, championing safety monitoring in care/nursing homes & offering a free Advocacy Service (CCAS Care Campaign Advocacy Service) to anyone who needs it.
Care Campaign for the Vulnerable’s meeting was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Gerrards Cross who like those around the table, support Jaynes campaigning.
Along with Jayne, Terry & Taylored Events, the TV personality & dementia champion Russell Grant attended, as well as Ann Whiteley from Adults Carers Services, Trudi Scrivener from Ashridge Home Care, Sandy Briscoe Carersbucks, Manj Uppal RCH Care Homes & Rachel Kenyon from Adventure with Dementia
We spent a very informative 2 hours together, one which Karin believes should happen more often in the care sector. We should see users/providers of the services, together, giving views of the service – without fear of being disbelieved or disregarded.
What Jayne has done over the last 6 years has been a phenomenally positive response to a heartrendingly difficult situation… She is extremely strong & has turned her own experiences into a campaign to help others, not only end-users but suppliers & staff in the care sector.
Celeb FC are 100% with the Care Campaign for the Vulnerable – Read why by clicking here.
Watch this space for some very exciting news – Coming soon!
To Contact Jayne Connery – Click Here
To visit the Care Campaign for The Vulnerable Website – Click Here
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